COVID-19 Vendor/Client Protocol

Natures Beauty (Sheena Lee), has introduced strict health and safety measures. Please take the time to read before booking your appointment.

As a certified makeup artist, Natures Beauty (Sheena Lee) has been professionally trained to know how to properly apply makeup in the most hygienic way possible. In addition to the professional training already received, Natures Beauty (Sheena Lee), has taken the time to complete several courses to ensure everyone’s health and safety is the top priority.

Natures Beauty (Sheena Lee) has been fully vaccinated against COVID-19.

With the following measures in-place we do not require our clients or assistants to be vaccinated against COVID-19. This is subject to change if mandated by the government. Everyone’s health and safety is the top priority.

Anyone not receiving services or those who are waiting must maintain a respectful distance from Natures Beauty (Sheena Lee), and anyone assisting, at all times.

A cleared off and previously sanitized and sterilized flat surface (table, bar, dresser etc) as well as a tall bar stool (for makeup application) and chair (for hairstyling) must be provided in the space.

Natures Beauty (Sheena Lee) shall have access to running water and soap at all times.

Natures Beauty (Sheena Lee), and the client are permitted in the studio at one time. One guest may enter the space at the same time.

All surfaces and chairs will have been previously sanitized and sterilized.

A washroom is available for clients in case of an emergency. We kindly ask that you try and avoid using the washroom if you can.

We ask that you leave any extra bags and jackets in your vehicle to avoid unwanted cross-contamination.

Natures Beauty (Sheena Lee) and the client are expected to wash their hands with soap and water before services start.

Natures Beauty (Sheena Lee), and anyone assisting, will wear a mask, and/or a face shield upon request.

Extra time to sanitize and sterilize the workspace and tools will be needed before, during, between and after services.

At no point should the client touch Natures Beauty (Sheena Lee) tools, equipment, makeup or hair products. This includes helping to carry any equipment.

All pressed powers are disinfected using 70% isopropyl rubbing alcohol before and after each client.

Disposable one-time-use applicators will be used wherever possible.

A clean set of previously sanitized brushes will be used for each client. Used brushes will be placed in a sealed bag and cleaned off-site.

A sterile spatula and palette will be used to dispense any liquid or cream products and then disinfected using 70% isopropyl rubbing alcohol before dispensing another product. At no point will Natures Beauty (Sheena Lee) use the back of the hand or fingers to dispense or apply the product.